2007年1月30日 星期二 ;
This heart so fragile so afraid
Yet You hold it with unfailing love
Your gentle eyes fall upon this lil heart
as Your child stands before Your throne
You thought and You touched
that given heart
Tears overwhelmed the lil child
Just before she snatched it back
You gave her a hug
and healed her heart
Those strong hands of Yours
that cast out spirits
touched my heart
as I fall in awe into Your everlasting arms

dazed ♥

Psalm 27:4

Psalm 42:1

I feel this tug within me, makes me feel as if there's a thousand ant crawling over my body. call it restless or what. I prayed and i prayed. How I yearn for the void to be filled. Yet I dun want it to be filled.

Humans get too complacent with their current situations in which they find comfort. When everything seems to be okay, we actually forget about the Author. Now I hope to stay like this forever but I can't. That means there will never be progress. Oh God, take me deeper...

dazed ♥

2007年1月27日 星期六 ;
I was so blessed by Dr Bernard's service. It was unlike HIS usual message but it did made me realise my self value and i really felt a worth. IF you knew what happened to me before cell group, you would understand the full story.

There's always something amazing about God. He never ceases to bring joy into my life and He'll heal the broken heart. I really deserve to be the happiest person around more than anyone else simply because I am the Child of God. HEes=)

dazed ♥

2007年1月26日 星期五 ;
I've been dreaming recently. They are all related to my personal thoughts. They turned out to be all fear especially the one in which my mom died. That was the most "memorable" one in a sense cuz i cried. i woke up to find myself crying, gasping hard. However, there was no tears. Soemtimes i feel that the person in me in school is just a facade. When i retire home and reflect, that day whatever i did, i wasn't really happy at all. As compared to what i did with my cg, nope, i wasn't happy.

Many times, we've taken the simplest things in life for granted. Often you take it just as it is, not appreciating the simplicity of it. Going through such tribulations, i taught me to cherish what i have even more.

And yes, I have dropped A maths. It feels like a burden off my shoulders. People literally screame dinto my ears with horrified expressions, least expecting me to drop a maths. face the world dudes! why continue struggling with something which u noe u'll never be able to do well in and cause yourself to die in the end? i had ratehr 7 subjects which i can all score distinctions for it. i's life and how you view it. u dun have to follow the conventional way of doing things. who knows, i may take up literature which i have totally no foundation in if i get to go JC. but still.. NGEE ANN! MASS COMM! i still want my 10 pointers. they will ensure my my bright future. =)

dazed ♥

E valued One
Sarah xYing.
august 91
CHC w279

nhHs nhnP
im priceless

Loved Ones
GOd; CHC; w279

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kudos to you;
designer | kathleen
image | nabhan

so yesterdays ;
1月 2007
2月 2007